Saturday 13 July 2013

I love where I live

I love where I live

Do you live in the middle of nowhere?

I don't live in the middle of nowhere as I live in a small town that is surrounded by fields and isn't exactly well known, if I gave you the name of the town you wouldn't have a clue where it is. It has about 5,000 people living in it, so its not to bad. But I love it here. Where I live is known to be a naturally beautiful place in the UK and my town is known as 'The gate way to exmoor' I live in Devon.

Whenever I go on my twitter timeline I often see 'eugh, hate where I live' or 'hate this town' or 'Can't wait to leave this shitty town' and just to let you know, it REALLY annoys me. The people who write this stuff are usually the people who have had an argument with their friend, or they hang around with the wrong people who spread stuff about them, so its not the town or where we live that is horrible, it's your friends; so stop blaming the town.

I admit crap things have happened in town, and when I say crap, I mean bad, kind of ruined its reputation. I must also admit that, some of the crap things that have happened in this town have effected me, as in, they are to do with my family. However, I can look past this so why can't they?

I also realise that it isn't like it used to be. For example when I was younger, I would go up town and pretty much say  'hello' to everyone as I knew them or, they knew my family. Which was lovely, its gave you a sense of security, but now? I rarely recognise anyone due to the fact new people from all of the country have moved here, or the fact people aren't as cheery as they used to be. 

But things I love about where I live, the fact if its a hot day I can walk to a rive in under 30 mins, or drive to the beach in under an hour, we have walks of natural beauty which is wonderful, we have old traditions like our 'Olde Enlgish Fayre' Another thing, that makes me realise I live in a wonderful place is the fact people come here on holiday, so I must live somewhere good if people travel here for fun? For example today at the beach we met people from North Kent.

So, to the people who moan about where they live, associate yourself with different people, go to different places in the area, be polite to the other people in the town and CREATE A GOOD NAME FOR YOURSELF.

Thank you

George, who is going to carry on enjoying the joys of Devon.

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